Monday, February 15, 2010

Goals For February

Visit 5 possible new homes and evaluate their attributes on paper

On paper, determine feasibility of purchasing a home

Develop Plan for French Study

Read Rabbit Redux

Get to page 57 in the Italian book

Finish Lesson 5 in the German book

Practice Piano 7 times this month (2 down)

Lose Weight - Get down to 205 pounds (Hey I'm just a little above 206 already!)

Exercise - 3 times per week, 30 minutes per session


Abs - 3 times per week

Lunges - 3 times per week

Arms and Shoulders - 2 times per week

Have my car serviced and fixed up

Watch or listen to the news at least 1 hour per week. Choose 1 news story per week and read from at least 3 different sources about it. Write an overview.

Parents' Kitchen Counter Top

Daily Grooming - Brush Teeth, Floss or Water Pick, Deodorant, Face Lotion Morning and Night, Shower, Eyebrows Check, Fingernails Check, Ears Check, Foot Callous Check

Do Taxes

Make bed Daily

Housework Schedule
Monday - Kitchen
Tuesday - Take Out Trash
Wednesday - Bathroom
Thursday - Living Room and Dining Room
Friday - Vacuum
Saturday - Laundry
Sunday - Car

General Long-Term Goals


(2-15)Get a new home where I can have a cat. Goal date: 6/15/10

(2-15)Master French

(2-15)Learn Italian

(2-15)Learn German

(2-15)Physical Health

(2-15)Maintain Personal Grooming

(2-15)Keep House Clean

(2-15)Maintain Car Health


(2-15)Keep Up with the News

(2-15)Get My Parents' House Fixed Up



(2-15)Drawing, Painting, and Creative Writing

(2-15)Health Insurance postpone for now

(2-15)Sofa/Chair to be postponed until after I move

(2-15)Washer/Dryer to be postponed until after I move

(2-15) Woodwork and furniture making